SUCELLOG Newsletter - Issue 6
SUCELLOG Newsletter - Issue 6
March 2017 |
Dear reader, SUCELLOG project activities are going to be finished at the end of this month and therefore this is the final issue of the SUCELLOG newsletter. Here you will read about the outcomes, results and lessons learned during the 3 years of SUCELLOG project implementation. This newsletter provides you with the links to the most important results and materials produced in the project lifetime; it summarizes the conclusions from activities in 4 SUCELLOG project countries and gives a brief summary of the final workshop organized in February in Brussels. On behalf of SUCELLOG project consortium we thank you for your continuous interest and participation in project activities! |
The SUCELLOG project |
The goal of SUCELLOG - Triggering the creation of biomass logistic centres by the agro-industry - is to boost the creation of biomass logistic centres inside the agro-industries as a complement to their usual activity, promoting a new business line for diversification with low investment. SUCELLOG concept is based on the exploitation of the important synergies that agro-industries have to become solid biomass producers. SUCELLOG promotes using equipment, facilities and man force of agro-industries in their idle periods to handle and pre-treat agricultural residues with the aim to produce solid biomass. Produced solid biomass can be introduced into the local fuel market or can be used to cover own heat demand.
Becoming a logistic centre in addition to the usual activity of the agro-industry increases their competitiveness by opening of new markets, prolonging their operational periods and retaining employees in their idle periods. Further information about the project concept is available under |
SUCELLOG project results |
During 3 years, SUCELLOG partners from the agrarian and bioenergy sector have carried out a series of actions to provide technical support to agro-industries. To be able to face jointly the new opportunities, a connection between agriculture and energy sectors has been strongly promoted. This also included a comprehensive capacity building to agrarian associations on bioenergy issues. Technicians from agrarian associations were trained to overcome unjustified preconceptions on agricultural biomass, to gain abilities in detecting opportunities in their members and to have the technical knowledge to provide them with assistance when willing to develop a business line as biomass logistic centres. |
SUCELLOG project outputs in fugures |
Thanks to the support from the project, 3 biomass logistic centres have been implemented (2 based on corn cobs in Austria and 1 based on silo dust in France) and more than 14 agro-industries have started taking steps towards this new business line. SUCELLOG has contributed to planting the seed for a sustainable development of new business concepts inside the agro-industries and to driving initiatives in line with the principles of the European bio-based economy. |
SUCELLOG publications |
Several handbooks and guidelines were elaborated within the project and are specifically oriented to the agro-industrial sector. Handbooks for agro-industries interested in starting the new activity as biomass logistic centres:
Assessment of non-technological barriers and recommendations:
Regional potential and feasibility studies, and business models:
Other publications and reports can be downloaded under the following link:
Lessons learned from SUCELLOG project countries |
The project has been developed on a regional level in Spain, France, Italy and Austria, involving in total 27 regions. Following chapters are summarizing the main contribution of the project activities in each country. |
Successful implementation of the SUCELLOG concept in Austria based on corn cobs |
In Austria, SUCELLOG has successfully supported the creation of a biomass logistic centre based on agricultural resources (corn cobs). Experiences from SUCELLOG project in Austria show that one successful example is able to move forward other initiatives. On the other hand, one bad example at the initial phase of a new business activity may stop the progress for several years. A person, who initiates the development of biomass logistic centre, has to be innovative and open minded. Therefore the personality of the owner of an agro-industry is at least as important as the technical prerequisites. Additionally, from the technical point of view, it is essential to select raw materials for which the access can be guaranteed in a long-term. Another crucial factor is the existence of appropriate and approved technology at a reasonable price that can be used by potential consumers. |
Triggering national awareness about the use of agricultural residues for solid biomass production in France |
In France, the project has opened a discussion on the role of agricultural biomass in covering the part of the heat demand in rural areas. Agro-industries have significant influence in rural territories and therefore are essential to trigger the development of this new market. Due to their size and commitment to sustainable development, rural municipalities and regional public institutions, are among the most interesting potential users of agricultural biomass. For this reason, SUCELLOG concept has been promoted among governmental entities and agencies, as well as among chambers, energy service providers, equipment producers, etc. motivating them to invest in the development of the solid agricultural biomass sector. |
Promoting enterprise network and local supply chains for valorisation of agro-prunings in Italy |
In Italy, SUCELLOG project worked on the promotion of currently unexploited synergies between the agricultural and energy sectors. The project focused on searching for solutions for the use of residual agro-prunings. Valorisation of this biomass is challenging and is a relevant problem in many Italian regions. Through promotion of enterprise networks and indicating possible sources of funding a new value chain has been established for using agro-prunings in energy production. Good practices developed in SUCELLOG project have opened opportunities for other local projects on similar topics, fostering cooperation among agro-industries, associations, academia, innovation holders, and manufacturers of boilers, and harvesting and biomass processing technologies. |
Awakening the interest on the valorisation of own agricultural residues in Spanish cooperatives |
In Spain, the project has found that the best opportunity to implement biomass logistic centres inside the agro-industries is when this activity in strictly linked to their main business as food product producer. It is, when the agro-industry faces a problem linked to the disposal of a “residue” generated in their own process or from the activities of their members; and/or when there is a need to satisfy energy demand of their main activity. SUCELLOG has been focusing on demonstrating the feasibility of the concept, promoting the involvement of key actors in project activities and changing the attitude of the agriculture sector towards transforming the “residues” into a “product”. |
SUCELLOG final workshop |
The final workshop of SUCELLOG project was organized jointly with SRCplus project on 15th of February, 2017 in Brussels, Belgium. The workshop attracted more than 30 participants from several European countries. The results of SUCELLOG project have been presented and the role of agricultural biomass in market uptake of solid biomass in Europe has been discussed. More information about the workshop, including presentations is provided on SUCELLOG website. |
SUCELLOG Partners |
The SUCELLOG project is co-funded by the European Commission, contract N°: IEE/13/638/SI2.675535. The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author. The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.