ISABEL is about promoting, supporting and developing community biogas in Europe. The project is set on providing all the framework conditions for biogas communities to shape, develop, thrive and works on all angles in order to pave the way for the transition from traditional supply chains to community ownership and to take full advantage of the ample societal benefits of local community-driven biogas systems, fuelled and inspired by social innovation principles. The project started at the beginning of 2016 and will end at the end of 2018.
The main objective of the S2Biom project is to support the sustainable delivery of non-food biomass feedstock at local, regional and pan European level through developing strategies, and roadmaps that are informed by a “computerized and easy to use” toolset (and respective databases) with updated harmonized datasets at local, regional, national and pan European level for EU28, Western Balkans, Moldova, Turkey and Ukraine.
The BiogasAction project (co-funded by Horizon 2020) aims to promote the production of sustainable biogas throughout the EU, especially by exchanging best practices, creating new business models and increasing investments in biogas production. This undertaking contributes to the EU 2020 targets by focusing on the removal of non-technical barriers to the widespread production of biogas from manure and other waste.
EuroPruning project provides solutions to existing technical barriers to bring to the market a woody solid biofuel produced from prunings of permanent crops (fruit tree, vineyards and olive grove prunings and branches from up-rooted trees).
SolidStandards project enhances the implementation of quality and sustainability standards for solid biofuels. addresses ongoing and recent developments related to solid biofuel quality and sustainability issues, in particular the development of related standards and certification systems.
The aim of BIOGAS3 is to promote the sustainable production of renewable energy from the biogas obtained of agricultural residues and food and beverage industry waste (agro-food waste) in small-scale concepts for energy self-sufficiency.
The target of this project is to identify the constraints and drivers for the market uptake of alternative non-woody pellets in Europe.