SUCELLOG Newsletter - Issue 4
SUCELLOG Newsletter - Issue 4
May 2016 |
Dear reader, This issue of the SUCELLOG newsletter informs about the progress in the development of biomass logistic centres as part of four existing agro-industries supported by SUCELLOG project. It also informs about training sessions for new auditors and implementation of first auditing services. Furthermore, this issue of the newsletter highlights some of the latest publications and informs about up-coming events with a participation of SUCELLOG project. |
The SUCELLOG project |
The goal of SUCELLOG - Triggering the creation of biomass logistic centres by the agro-industry - is to boost the creation of biomass logistic centres inside the agro-industries as a complement to their usual activity, promoting a new business line for diversification with low investment. SUCELLOG concept is based on the exploitation of the important synergies that agro-industries have to become solid biomass producers. Activities are developed at national and regional scale in Spain, France, Italy and Austria. Further information about the project is available under
Progress in the development of biomass logistic centres |
The SUCELLOG project supports 4 agro-industries in Europe to become biomass logistic centres using agricultural residues as raw material. In a first step a feasibility study and a complete business model for each agro-industry have been developed. The documentation of feasibility studies and business models can be downloaded HERE. In a second step the actual implementation activities have started. The overview of currently implemented activities is provided below. |
Cooperativa Agraria San Miguel de Tauste- Aragón region – Spain |
The business model prepared during SUCELLOG project suggests using cereals straw and wood biomass mixture to produce mixed agro-pellets of Class B. Pelletizing tests have been performed using two different mixtures: 70% straw/30% wood and 50% straw/50% wood. Combustion tests have been performed in several surrounding pig farms using existing boilers (originally designed for combustion of wood pellets and olive pits) finding some performance problems. Current test are being carried out in different boiler models adapted to agrarian fuels in collaboration with boiler manufacturers. |
Luzéal-Saint Rémy – Champagne-Ardenne region – France |
The business model prepared during SUCELLOG project suggests using cereals straw and sawdust mixture to produce mixed agro-pellets of Class A. Pelletizing tests are currently planned by using two different mixtures: 60% straw/40% wood and 100% straw. Afterwards combustion tests will be performed in several boilers of French energy service companies. |
Società Cooperativa Agricola Le Rene s.r.l. – Toscana region – Italy |
The feasibility study and the business model prepared during SUCELLOG project opted for producing agro-pellet and agro-chips. Pelletizing have been carried out producing 3 types of agro-pellets with different percentages of agrarian raw materials. The test results of all three products were good, in terms of moisture content (7.8%; 7.3%, 9.1%) and ash content (3.9%, 3.1%, 4.7%). Combustion tests of the 3 types of agro-pellets will be performed in May using existing boilers in households.
Tschiggerl Agrar Gmbh – Styria region – Austria |
The business model prepared during SUCELLOG project suggests producing and selling three kinds of corn cob fuels. Pellets, grits and loose corn cobs. Tests have been performed to see that the production of those fuels is optimal, but there are still minor things to optimize. Combustion tests have been performed in several surrounding farms using existing boilers (originally designed for combustion of wood pellets and wood chips). |
Trainings for auditors |
Training sessions for future auditors has been provided in order to kick-off the auditing activities within the SUCELLOG project. Trainings were targeted to regional agricultural associations who will develop further feasibility studies for creation of new biomass logistic centres among agro-industries in four project countries. Each training session were organised as a two-day event. The first day focused on the technical issues, while on the second day a visit to an agro-industry interested in benefiting from the project services has been carried out. |
Spain |
Training session for auditors in Spain has been organised on 29-30 March, 2016. 8 representatives of national/regional agricultural associations participated in the training. The training was organised in two sessions: a theoretical part that was held in headquarter of the Regional Federation of Cooperatives of Castilla y León and a practical session developed in the cooperative CAR. CAR is one of the Spanish agro-industries audited by SUCELLOG project. |
France |
Training session for auditors in France took place on 9th and 14th of February, 2016. 4 potential auditors from regional agricultural associations have been trained. On the second day of the training a visit to the agro-industry Sofagrain was organised. Sofagrain is a cooperative near Lyon working with cereal residues for animal feeding and is currently looking for expanding a market for their own-produced agro-pellets. |
Italy |
Training session for auditors in Italy has been implemented on 20-22 April, 2016. The first day of the training included a site visit to farm Il Bello – one of the auditing partners of SUCELLOG project. On the second day a theoretical training took place in the headquarters of D.R.E.Am. Italia. The training session was concluded with a study tour to the Cooperative Agriambiente Mugello. |
Austria |
Training session for auditors in Austria has been organised on 4th of March, 2016. Six representatives from regional agricultural associations have been trained. In the morning a visit to the company BIOS1 was organised. The company is looking for new opportunities to diversify its activities. The afternoon session was continued in the office of AGRAR Plus in St. Pölten. Technical planning issues were discussed and calculation example using SUCELLOG project assessment sheet has been analysed. |
SUCELLOG auditing services |
40 agro-industries have been selected for a free auditing service provided within the SUCELLOG project (10 per target country). First audit studies have already started. Within the studies the availability raw materials, biomass market in the region, technical compatibility of the equipment and the overall technical and economic feasibility will be assessed for each participating agro-industry. If you interested in SUCELLOG audit services,
please contact us HERE! |
SUCELLOG publications |
Handbook for agro-industries |
Handbook for agro-industries interested in starting a new activity as biomass logistic centre has been published. The handbook gives information about biomass supply to for bioenergy production, specifics of agro-industry biomass logistic centres, overview of agricultural residues for bioenergy production, and quality requirements for solid biomass. Handbook is available in English and in 4 other languages: Spanish, French, Italian and German. |
Guide for auditors |
Guide for auditors has been published. It provides support for agro-industries and potential auditors in preparation of economic feasibility study of the new biomass logistic centre. The guide provides step-by-step information about how to calculate the minimum selling price of the new product and how to assess the overall economic viability of selected alternatives. Economic viability assessment is further supported by calculation spreadsheet used in addition to the auditors guide. Both documents (guide and the calculation tool) are available in English, Spanish, French, Italian and German. Documents can be downloaded at “Publications and Reports” section of the SUCELLOG project website. |
Upcoming international events |
SUCELLOG Partners |
The SUCELLOG project is co-funded by the European Commission, contract N°: IEE/13/638/SI2.675535. The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author. The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.