SUCELLOG Newsletter - Issue 2
SUCELLOG Newsletter - Issue 2
March 2015 |
Dear reader, In this issue of the SUCELLOG newsletter, we would like to inform you that 4 agro-industries are starting to take steps to become biomass logistic centre with the support of the project. Engagement actions and interviews with stakeholders have been carried out in the last months and as a result an assessment of the potentiality of the different agro-industry sectors towards this new business line has been completed. We present you a summary of the results obtained. |
The SUCELLOG project | |||
The goal of SUCELLOG - Triggering the creation of biomass logistic centres by the agro-industry - is to boost the creation of biomass logistic centres inside the agro-industries as a complement to their usual activity, promoting a new business line for diversification with low investment. SUCELLOG concept is based on the exploitation of the important synergies that agro-industries have to become solid biomass producers. Activities are developed at national and regional scale in Spain, France, Italy and Austria. Further information about the project is available under
Four agro-industries have already joined SUCELLOG to become logistic centres | |||
SUCELLOG project is currently supporting 4 agro-industries in Europe to become biomass logistic centres based on agrarian residues. A feasibility study and a complete business model will be built for them in the next months.
Are you also interested in starting this new business line with the free support of the project?
Engagement actions with stakeholders | |||
SUCELLOG organised personal meetings and workshops in the target regions in order to present the project services to the agro-industries, evaluate possible barriers and opportunities to develop a logistic centre and collect information about the situation of the different sectors and their interest in this new business line. Workshops gathered more than 475 participants and 66 meetings were hold after the events. As a result, 160 potential beneficiaries have been identified in the target regions to develop project activities. More information about the engagement actions is available HERE. |
Regional situation for developming biomass logistic centres | |||
An assessment of the real potential of primary agrarian biomass supply has been carried out in the target regions in Spain, France, Italy and Austria, as well as an assessment of the barriers and opportunities for the development of logistic centres inside agro-industries. A summary of the regional situation, biomass resources and priority areas of action for the development of biomass logistic centres is available in English. Detailed assessment reports in Spain, France, Italy and Austria are available in national language. |
Do not miss the chance to profit from the project for free | |||
SUCELLOG Partners |
The SUCELLOG project is co-funded by the European Commission, contract N°: IEE/13/638/SI2.675535. The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author. The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.